My Savvy Wallet

Have you ever thought why so many people struggle financially?

Even while having high paying jobs so many people in the U.S. don't know how to manage their own money. Many simply ask themselves at the end of the month: Where did all my money go?

The average educational system does not teach us about money. Most of us spend about 16 years in school studying a prefession so we can graduate and finally be able to make our own money but, no one ever teaches us what to do when we finally make it. This is why a lot of us struggle financially, we have the skills to make money, but we don't have the financial intelligence or self-control to let our money work for us.

Think about it!

Wouldn't we be more financially stable and debt-less or even debt-free if we built our financial intelligence? Financial Intelligence isn’t just about knowing what accountants and bankers do, cause some of these highly educated people are also broke; it is about knowing the power of money, understanding cash flow, and understanding how to play the game of managing your assets.

“the rich buys luxuries later, the poor and middle class buy luxuries first”.

We have to build a robust financial portfolio that yields enough returns to pay for those luxuries. It might take longer but we get to be free of debt, worry, and stress.

Our goal at MySavvyWallet is to help you, the consumer, to have a better understanding of what you do with your money.

We strive to provide you with a single place where you can see where all your money goes, and what you can do to better understand your financial situation.